Dean Ebben
Ebben has extrapolated the power of his Geist series by enlarging individual images to a monumental scale. Cut from wood and covered in Mylar, a mirror-like material, these wall-mounted reliefs dominate the walls on which they are hung, imbuing their surroundings with a mystical presence.
Although portions of their surfaces are covered in pigment, the visible Mylar imperfectly reflects and abstractly reproduces their environment. By allowing their audience to see their own likenesses, Ebben’s reliefs ostensibly empower their viewers, suggesting that they hold the power to protect themselves.
Heather Cammarata-Seale
You Are a Passenger, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 56 1/2” X 56 1/2”
How Do I Look, How Do You Like Me Now?, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 84 1/4” X 57” X 1/2”
The Storm Is Breaking, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 36” X 57 3/4” X 1/2”
Breaking the Devils Dishes, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 83” X 74” 1/2”
Ghost Limbs, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 93” X 221/2” X 1/2”
A Storm Always Passes, 2012 enamel, Mylar and wood 20” X 55 1/2” X 1/2”
Copyright © 2000-2025 Dean Ebben. All rights reserved.