Dean Ebben
Dean Ebben
By Dean Ebben
Sunday Morning
They like their religion
And cigarettes
Their SUV’s too.
Do you know yourself?
Have you put all your faith in god?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Aries (March 21- April 19)
You’re so close to someone that it
feels at times you are one mind, two bodies.
You’ll continue to notice how connected you are
not only to this person but to everyone you know (especially the Leos).
The sky low and gray
Snow and rain hit the windshield
Blued eyes.
There must be a football game?
Somehow, the buffet had a connection.
Mother could not quite let go.
Even though she had one to replace it.
It was going to a new home
A child’s home.
Fort Snelling National Cemetery.
In winter
The tombstones blend with the snow.
Like the memories of the dead blend in our mind.
Today, however, the stones stood out
Against the brown wet autumn earth.
The stones a reminder.
Not just memories.
But a vivid reminder of death.
International public.
Neutrality of Airports.
With their vast spaces, fast food and shopping.
Nothing is expected of you.
Nothing is for free here.
You are a passenger.
New York City.
I can get lost for years
Herein the moment
Anonymous faces
My own anonymity
A library of buildings,
With pages of people.
Cheeseburga deluxe.
“Is Maria workin’?” the old man asked.
“No.”, the host answered.
The old man replied with embarrassment,
“She’s my pal.”
Visiting Nurse Service of New York
Iceberg lettuce
The old woman seemed eager for conversation.
Her nurse is:
1. Fulfilling a task
2. A job
3. A livelihood
To hell and back.
The fire in my eyes you see.
My hair has gone straight.
My mind has gone black-
Everything is unfolding.
I am like a book floating on my bed.
Falling through a parallel universe.
Another place,
Another reality-
Is what I have made.
Wishing I could go to Hospital
To get away from it. To get an IV drip
To hydrate my mind, my soul,
My Soul?
You said I was possessed.
“Possessed by spirits?” I asked.
The universe fell on my head.
A crown of jagged rocks.
I took it off
With my hands and threw it to the ground,
I stepped and stomped over it.
I crushed the universe with my bare feet.
A fine dust blew away into the air
The thin air.
I lost my vision, I never saw it happen.
I could hear something, whispering
From another place.
Crying, maybe, screaming, maybe.
It all blew away.
How does one get back
The Universe.
Which was crushed by ones own feet.
How does one grasp at
When they are blind, and the wind blows.
Hurricanes have names of people.
Tornadoes have numbers.
What is your storm called?
I walk through the orchard at dusk.
Thinking, of
The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
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